How to find the perfect tire
The surface area with which a car makes contact with the road is just four palms. This makes it all the more important to choose the right tires when it's time to switch back to summer tires. Here are the most important tips.

Developers have spent years fine-tuning the car, trimming the chassis for fun and safety and perfecting the brakes. And then all it takes is one small mistake - and none of it can show off its qualities: The tires are the car's only contact with the road and are a decisive factor in whether we are good and safe on the road. How much is often underestimated.
There are spectacular tests in which the difference between the worst and best summer tires in an emergency braking maneuver from 80 km/h was an incredible 25 meters. In other words, where the car with the best tire was stationary, the car with the worst tire hurtled into the obstacle at over 50 km/h. A typical disadvantage of poor tires is also the risk of aquaplaning far earlier in wet conditions. The tire price may or may not reflect this: In this extreme case, the dangerous tire was less than 100 francs cheaper per set than the best.
So quality doesn't have to be expensive. In general, established rather than no-name pneumatic brands are recommended when in doubt. And the agony of choosing summer tires is back in these months, because "from O to O" (i.e. from Easter to October), according to the rule of thumb, it's the turn of the summer tires again.
Maybe all-weather tires for the whole year after all? They have become much more balanced in recent years, but all tests agree: the balancing act is too great, no all-season tire can keep up with the special skills of winter and summer tires. So nothing can replace seasonal tires. However, the range of tire brands, sizes and types has long been so enormous that laymen can hardly keep track of it all. Expert advice is needed.
Or are my summer tires still good for the 2025 season? Two factors in particular should be considered here. On the one hand, the tread depth. The legal minimum is 1.6 millimeters. However, the properties start to deteriorate considerably earlier. It is therefore advisable to replace the tires as soon as there are three millimeters of tread left (four millimeters for winter tires). On the other hand, the age of the tires is decisive: eight years should be the maximum. This is because the rubber compound hardens over time. This then deteriorates the properties of the tire.

But which new tires to choose? The first thing to decide is which sizes, i.e. tire dimensions, are permitted for the car. Professional advice should be sought from the garage. Although this information can also be found in the vehicle documents, your trusted garage specialist can play it safe with the help of the vehicle data and also knows how to identify any alternatives. And the qualified experts are familiar with the latest tire tests - such as those published annually by the TCS for summer tires at the end of February - and know how to find the right tire for your needs. Examples: Are you looking for comfort or sport? How many kilometers do you drive per year? Should the tire be particularly economical or very durable? All these factors play a part in deciding which tire to choose.
Electromobility also has an influence on the choice of tires. This is especially true because tires are crucial when it comes to fuel efficiency. An aspect that is often overlooked, but which also influences the range of electric cars. This can easily amount to ten percent more or less. What's more, garage owners know which tire brand is pursuing which strategy: Some always build tires for all drive systems, others build special tires for e-vehicles. And last but not least, choosing the right tire for every combustion engine also supports the effort to drive efficiently and ecologically.
Tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) are another reason to trust specialist companies when buying and changing tires. This starts with the fact that there are different systems: Indirect systems have no sensors in the wheel. This is why they do not require a check or replacement of the sensors when changing tires, but conversely cannot display the tire pressure (but can only detect a sudden loss of pressure). However, they also need to be recalibrated after a tire change. Direct systems that measure the tire pressure of each wheel must also be recalibrated and the sensors checked or replaced.
The question remains: where to put the tires? After all, the winter tires or wheels need to be stored when changing to summer tires. Many garages offer customers a so-called wheel hotel. Complete wheels or tires can be stored here until the next change.
This has several advantages. First of all, any damage to the tire is guaranteed not to go unnoticed by the experts; they will also point out any tread depth that is soon too low or tire age that is too high. And: The tires are guaranteed to be stored properly, because they should be kept in a clean, well-ventilated place with a constant temperature and not be exposed to the weather or an oil stain in the garage. And last but not least, it is simply relaxing not to have to drive or balance the bulky heavyweights around.
*This content was created by the Autosprint editorial team in collaboration with carXpert created. Cars of all makes are welcome in the carXpert garages and body shops.