Slalom Hoch-Ybrig: Hoping for goodwill đŸŽ„

ON GOOD Luck The Hoch-Ybrig slalom, which is part of the ICSM, could be the first Swiss motorsport event in 2020 on June 21. But only if the Federal Council allows smaller sporting events from June 8. The one-minute video of filmer Bernhard BrÀgger (Facebook group "Friends of Swiss Motorsport") shows impressions of the Slalom Hoch-Ybrig 2019. On the homepage of Auto Sport Schweiz [...]

The one-minute video by filmer Bernhard BrÀgger (Facebook group "Friends of Swiss Motorsport") shows impressions of the Slalom Hoch-Ybrig 2019.

On the homepage of Auto Sport Schweiz it is announced somewhat prematurely that the slalom Hoch-Ybrig will take place due to the postponement date from June 7 to 21. This is by no means certain. The Squadra TĂŒrmli has simply postponed its slalom by two weeks on the off-chance, as there is a ban on gatherings of more than five people until June 8 - but what will be allowed after that depends on further parliamentary decisions.

Wait for the latest decision
However, in order for the first round of the Intercantonal Slalom Championship (IKMS), organized by the Squadra TĂŒrmli, to take place, this measure against the spread of the coronavirus must first be significantly relaxed. For this reason, there will be no announcement or other advertising for the event until the political decision is made.

However, everything has been worked out and will be published on the homepage immediately after the Federal Council's decision, if necessary - or then again in 2021.

OC President Sepp SchönbÀchler: "From the police and the municipality we have the permission to carry out. It now only depends on the federal government. If somehow possible, we will do the slalom. Then everything would just have to happen very quickly, including the processing of registrations."

Good for the region
According to SchönbÀchler, the Hoch-Ybrig gondola lift, on whose grounds at the Weglosen valley station the course is marked out (approx. 900 meters with 34 gates), would be happy if this slalom were to take place. Events up to at least 500 people - preferably up to 700 or 1000 (anything above that is prohibited until August 31) - would have to be allowed, however.

Together with the active participants, their escorts, all helpers and spectators (with free admission), this number would quickly come together in good weather. So it will be difficult either way, predicts the OC president.

OC president Sepp SchönbÀchler hopes already out of his own interest as a fast driver of an Opel Kadett C that the slalom Hoch-Ybrig can take place (photos: Ramon HÀnggi).

Case numbers give hope
Since the number of new infections fell further in the first week of May and is now only in the double digits, a relaxation for small events of any kind from mid-June onwards - while maintaining the distances and hygiene recommendations - is quite conceivable at the moment. But this flattening curve may change again by then to such an extent that the parliament does not want to take any risks with crowds.

Maximum 140 participants
In any case, the people of Schwyz would have to expect a flood of registrations. Especially if the slalom would be part of the Suzuki Swiss Racing Cup (there was a first request).

Some riders have already solved a license before the Corona crisis, some would perhaps still do it, if this race can take place - at least on the lowest level, speak to apply for a LOC or REG license. Especially as they might hope for further starts at pure LOC events (Anneau du Rhin, Drognens, Ambri and Wangen), which are still on the badly depleted calendar. The event in Canton Schwyz would be open to all ASS license holders, with the number of participants limited to 140 starters.

Only with road approval
However, a competition vehicle must comply with the Technical Regulations for LOCale events. It must therefore be registered in Switzerland and a vehicle registration card including exhaust document must be presented.

Those who want to can also start with a station wagon. The spectators also have their fun with this.

Road-legal sports cars such as Lotus Exige, Porsche 911 or touring cars such as Mitsubishi, Subaru and indestructible Opel Kadetts are usually the height of emotion. Sepp SchönbÀchler himself has won many a victory in IKSM races with a well-kept and arrow-quick Opel Kadett C GT/E.

The people to beat in these LOC slaloms lately were Dino Wintsch (Lotus Exige 430 Cup) and Noa Schmid (Subaru BRZ). They also settled the title among themselves in 2019 in the 45th ICSM season.

Between the pylons for 45 years
For the ICSM and its organizers, the green light for their first event this year would be a milestone in the history of the championship, which was founded in 1975. And June 21, 2020, a day of joy for all slalom drivers and friends of Swiss motorsport.

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