Drifting: Film premiere in Lucerne 🎥

FREE SEATS STILL On Thursday, the documentary film "90° - The perfect angle" about the fascination of drift racing will celebrate its premiere in Lucerne. Many racing celebrities will be present. Tickets are still available for the public. On Sunday before last, the Swiss Yves Meyer took the unexpected second place at the FIA Intercontinental Drifting Cup in Japan. This made [...]



The Sunday before last, Switzerland's Yves Meyer took an unexpected second place in the FIA Intercontinental Drifting Cup in Japan. In doing so, the 27-year-old race driver and head of the Swiss Race Academy did some excellent advertising on his own behalf.

Long before that, the Lucerne native, who is responsible for courses and marketing at the Event Center Seelisberg, began work on a spectacular film project. The title "90° - The perfect angle" describes the perfect drift angle.

For the premiere on Thursday evening, November 15, Meyer is inviting numerous celebrities involved in racing to the IMAX movie theater in the Museum of Transport in Lucerne. Spectators who have not been specially invited will also be admitted. The IMAX theater can seat 398 people. Some of the available seats are still free.

Insight behind the scenes
In the 40-minute documentary, the secrets and fascination of this marginal sport are brought closer to a wide audience using the example of the motorsport team from Eventcenter Seelisberg. The film scenes will be as spectacular as the drifting.

Yves Meyer: "We show the joy and seriousness with which this sport, which is ridiculed in some quarters, is practiced. We also show the difficulties that lie behind it. The fact that I was able to deliver the happy ending in Japan is, of course, awesome. Anyone who has seen our film will know all about drifting afterwards."

Cozy evening in a circle of like-minded people
The event begins for the invited guests at 6:30 pm with an aperitif. Door opening for the public is at 7:30 pm.

There will be an introductory discussion with Yves Meyer and Latvian drift star Kristaps Bluss. The film ends at 8:30 pm. The event will conclude with a casual meet & greet at the Filmtheater bar.

Tickets cost 19 francs per person and can be ordered via the following link:






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