Volvo: At the Art Session you hear colors

WHERE YOU MEET Under the motto "Human meets Digital," the ninth edition of the Volvo Art Session will take place on October 24 and 25. The event for innovation, art and design is held annually. The platform once again addresses the tension between humans and technology, this time focusing on the "cyborgization" of humans. The worldwide [...]

Art Session
Neil Harbisson can hear colors with an antenna. He is the first state-recognized cyborg.

The platform will once again address the tension between humans and technology, this time focusing on the "cyborgization" of humans. The world's first state-recognized cyborg Neil Harbisson will let the audience hear colors and, together with Gerd Leonhard, renowned futurist and author, shed light on the potential and dangers surrounding the increasing fusion of humans and technology.

Art Session
International award-winning artist Refik Anadol shows his work "Melting Memories".

Kinetic light objects with music
The internationally award-winning artist Refik Anadol shows his works "Melting Memories" and "Infinity Room". Following his highly acclaimed production last year, Berlin-based Christopher Bauder presents an installation that fuses kinetic light objects with music.

Relationship man and technology
Under the theme "Human meets Digital," this year's Volvo Art Session once again explores the relationship between humans and technology. While last year's edition focused on robots, which are becoming more and more human, this time it is the human being who is becoming more and more machine-like through new technology on and above all in the body: the cyborg.

Inclusion of art and science
This "cyborgization" raises a multitude of questions that will be addressed and discussed at the Volvo Art Session 2019, incorporating art and science. Neil Harbisson, who can hear colors thanks to an implanted antenna, will give the audience insights into the life of a cyborg. He will be joined on stage by Gerd Leonhard, futurist and renowned expert on the human vs. technology debate.

Art tours in the shipbuilding
The Volvo Art Session 2019 at Schiffbau Zurich, Schiffbaustrasse 4, is open to the public on Friday, October 25 from 10am to 8pm. Christopher Bauder and Kangding Ray will show Skalar, and keynotes by Neil Harbisson and Gerd Leonhard will take place from 6 to 7pm. Interested parties can now secure a free ticket online.

The detailed program for the day, including art tours and Neil Harbisson's attendance times, can also be found on the official Volvo Art Session website.

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