Family Business Award: Registration deadline until April 30, 2016

Every year, the Family Business Award honors a Swiss family business that distinguishes itself through responsible action and value-oriented, sustainable entrepreneurship. Interested companies can apply for the award until April 30. The applications are judged by an independent jury of experts, which this year is chaired by Council of States member Pascale Bruderer Wyss. AMAG has been donating [...]

Pascale Bruderer Wyss: This year, the member of the Council of States is chairing the jury of the Family Business Awards.


The applications are judged by an independent jury of experts, which this year is chaired by Pascale Bruderer Wyss, member of the Council of States. Since 2012, AMAG has endowed the Family Business Award in memory of its own founder, Walter Haefner, in order to honor the entrepreneurial and social commitment of family businesses.

Family businesses are eligible for the award if they are characterized by sustainable entrepreneurial spirit and employ more than 50 people. In addition, the chairmanship of the board of directors or the operational management must be held by a family member and the majority of the capital must be owned by the family. The winning company is selected by a jury of nine highly experienced individuals.
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