Family Business Award: Deadline until April 30

SUSTAINABLE VALUES Every year, the Family Business Award honors a Swiss family business with more than 25 employees that has distinguished itself through responsible entrepreneurship. Background: Family businesses are an important factor in the Swiss economy. To reflect this importance, Amag launched the Family Business Award in 2012. On the one hand, to honor the entrepreneurial and [...]

1a hunkeler fenster AG & 1a hunkeler holzbau AG is the winner of the Family Business Award 2018.

Background: Family businesses are an important factor in the Swiss economy. To reflect this importance, Amag launched the Family Business Award in 2012. On the one hand, to honor the entrepreneurial and sustainable values of family businesses. On the other hand, also in memory of the company founder Walter Haefner.

Family member in the management
Interested companies can apply online for this year's award until April 30, 2019. The previous winners of the award are: 1a hunkeler fenster AG & 1a hunkeler holzbau AG (2018), Jucker Farm AG (2017), Fraisa SA (2016), Wyon AG (2015), Entreprises et Domaines Rouvinez (2014), Siga Holding AG (2013) and Trisa AG (2012).

The award is open to family-owned companies that stand out for their sustainable entrepreneurial spirit and employ more than 25 people. In addition, the chairmanship of the board of directors or the operational management must be held by a family member and the majority of the capital must be owned by the family.

Evaluation by ten-member jury
The winning company is selected by a ten-member jury consisting of experienced, highly qualified personalities. The jury is chaired by Dr. Karin Lenzlinger Diedenhofen, Delegate of the Board of Directors and owner of Lenzlinger Söhne AG.

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