Meet like-minded people

THEDRIVERS.APP A new community app is designed to connect and activate drivers of all generations. More than 250 selected routes in Germany and abroad are already waiting to be discovered and driven. Meet like-minded people
Young car fans also love classic cars - and enjoy meeting up for a chat.

The new connects and activates young and young-at-heart drivers - across generations and interest groups. The aim is to simplify the organization of the Drivers Passion on an app. Discovering and creating routes, meets, community news or driver groups is made easy. More than 13,000 users are already meeting on, exchanging ideas and looking forward to new drivers and their contributions.

Routes and Meets
More than 250 selected routes in Switzerland and the surrounding countries are already waiting to be discovered. All routes have been tracked live by the community. From cultural trips and mountain passes to relaxed cruising: everyone will find a suitable route on, and of course everyone can also suggest new routes. Meet like-minded people

You can easily find meets for every taste or organize your own with just a few clicks. Whether it's an American get-together, a super car ride, a spontaneous get-together with friends or a technical presentation.

Shared adventures are the best. Community means sharing passion, forming driver groups and clubs or setting up your own groups and inviting friends. Networking works across generations, regions and national borders. You become a source of inspiration through your own pictures, videos and posts about vehicles and adventures or through technical and organizational content in the chats. Meet like-minded people

Don't miss Cars & Coffee in Belvoir Park Zurich on Sunday, June 9.

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