Veterans: A Weekend for Historic Vehicles

HISTORY ON WHEELS The national umbrella organization Swiss Historic Vehicle Federation is launching the Historic Vehicle Days on the last weekend in April. Well over 3000 vehicles are expected. Vehicles, older than 30 years, which are in a good and respectable state of maintenance, receive the official veteran status. An inspection takes place only every six years. But: The automotive treasures may only be driven between [...]

The Oldtimer Club Saurer is present with the turntable ladder Tigerberg. The vehicle is in very good condition.

Vehicles older than 30 years that are in good and respectable condition receive official veteran status. An inspection takes place only every six years. But: The automotive treasures may only be driven between 2000 and 3000 kilometers a year.

Bernhard Taeschler, President SHVF: "The differences between an old cart and a veteran vehicle are obvious. Veteran vehicles or collector vehicles are no longer in daily use, are lovingly cared for by their owners and are usually only driven out in dry weather."

Care and preservation of automotive heritage
The main focus of the Historic Vehicle Days is the preservation of mobile cultural assets, which are lovingly cared for by their owners and usually preserved for posterity at great expense.

Ruedi Müller, Chairman SHVF: "The population always has a lot of sympathy for veteran vehicles. The sight of aged vehicles triggers joy and applause, especially when they are driven. On the last weekend in April, many of them are likely to be on the road, be it to one of the many regional meetings or simply for a ride. Considering the small number of veteran vehicles in the overall vehicle population and their modest mileage, the environmental impact is negligible."

Where to see cars of famous brands, legendary motorcycles, special utility vehicles and agricultural tractors in action this weekend can be found on the Internet and in the trade press.

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