Swiss Classic Award: Main prize for Michel Zumbrunn

HONORING This year, the main prize in the Swiss Classic Awards ballot, the LifeTime Award, went to the well-known Swiss automotive photographer Michel Zumbrunn. The award was presented for the fourth time.

Swiss Classic Award
Maja Guetg, jury member and garage owner, presents Michel Zumbrunn with the LifeTime Award 2021.

The Swiss Classic Award honors outstanding projects, ideas and personalities from the Swiss classic car scene. Each year, the main prize honors an individual or a group that has made an above-average contribution to the cause of historic vehicles.

The jury was unanimous in its recognition of Michel Zumbrunn, who has photographed classic vehicles of almost every make in his long career.

The experts' justification states, among other things: "For Michel Zumbrunn, cars are works of art, and that is exactly what he wants to show in his pictures. Only design and form come into play, without any other components such as landscape, architecture or dynamics.

O-iO, Rent-A-Classic and Passione Engadina
In each of the other three categories, people or projects were up for election.
Here are the results:

Door Opener Award: The most votes were cast for "O-IO" (Oldtimer in Obwalden). The special exhibition "50 Years of Jo Siffert" on the premises of the Swiss Viper Museum in Givisiez came in second, followed by the ACE Cafe Lucerne, the meeting place for motorcycle and car enthusiasts.

Innovations Award: The Swiss classic car rental system Rent a Classic came out on top ahead of Porsche eFuels and the Automotive Superstore Cagero in Birr, which primarily offers spare parts for classic Volkswagens.

Rookie Award: The winner is Passione Engadina, a community that meets at the Kulm Country Club in St. Moritz with their classic cars, followed by the TCS Training & Event Drive-In Movie, which could count more than 4500 entries this summer.

The award is supported by the insurance company Belmot Swiss, by autobau erlebniswelt Romanshorn and by the Swiss Historic Vehicle Federation SHVF.

Photos: Daniel Reinhard

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