Porsche: Jürgen Barth comes to the Classic Day

Do you own a Porsche classic car? Do you drive a Porsche Youngtimer? Or do you simply enjoy attractive cars? If you can answer yes to just one of these questions, then you should make a red mark in your agenda for the Porsche Classic Day on June 19, 2016 at the Porsche Service Center Schinznach Bad. Even former Le Mans winner Jürgen [...]

Jürgen Barth visits: The former Le Mans winner, flown in directly from this year's 24-hour race, is a guest at Porsche Classic Day.

Even former Le Mans winner Jürgen Barth won't let him miss the event. Flown in directly from this year's 24-hour race, he is looking forward to having fuel talks of the exclusive kind. The program: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sunday brunch, 11:15 a.m. and 1 p.m. lectures by classic specialists in the Classic Corner and 2 p.m. "Best of Show" freestyle competition at the marquee.

All day: Classic Corner at the Porsche workshop, News Corner at the Porsche workshop, Harley-Heaven (exhibition and test rides Harley Davidson), Ghost and moustache (exhibition and test rides e-bikes) as well as information from Arosa Tourism and Pirelli Classic.

Poster Porsche Classic Day: For Porsche at least 20 years old, a birth certificate is available for 150 francs instead of 300 francs.
Poster Porsche Classic Day: For Porsche at least 20 years old, a birth certificate is available for 150 francs instead of 300 francs.

Treat your Porsche to admiring glances, show the fans your favorite! Porsches built up to 1975 are admitted free of charge; vehicles built in 1976 or later are subject to a participation fee of 30 Swiss francs. Please register at nadia.bruelisauer@porsche-schinznach.ch or call 041 56 463 94 42.

Illustration/Photo: Urs Schönauer, Work

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