Competition: Ford sought fans with strong ideas

TALENTS WANTED Every two years, Ford presents the Fan Award. Once again, the best Ford club, the best Ford channel, the best customization or the most original conversion as well as the best road trip with a Ford are sought.

Ford is looking for the best club, the best channel, the best individualization or the most original conversion.

Applications can be submitted by individuals or groups until January 7, 2022 at be submitted. The most meaningful and creative fan idea (pictures, videos, text) will be awarded a prize.

After the two-month deadline, a jury will preselect the best five entries in each category. These can then be voted on online from February 7, 2022.

Guided tour of the classic vehicle collection
The winners of the Club and Channel categories will receive a guided tour of the classic car collection, which is not open to the public. The winners in the other two categories will receive a weekend with a companion and two nights in a hotel as well as a Ford for their stay.

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