Workshops: The future through digitization
AUTOWERKSTATT 2.0 A project by the University of St. Gallen in collaboration with the Auto Gewerbe Verband Schweiz (Swiss Automobile Association) has investigated which digital technologies and processes make the workshop better and more efficient. Automobiles are constantly becoming more technologically sophisticated and energy-efficient. Digitalization networks vehicles and mobility service providers, it increases comfort and safety, and it enables new types of sales. Markus Aegerter, [...]

Automobiles are constantly becoming more technologically sophisticated and energy-efficient. Digitization networks vehicles and mobility service providers, it increases comfort and safety, and it enables new types of sales.
Markus Aegerter, member of the Executive Board of the Swiss Garage Owners' Association AGVS: "In the automotive industry, there is a lot of talk about new technologies, alternative drives, new sales channels, new forms of use or data networking. But we hear and read less about digitalized, efficiency-enhancing improvements in workshop processes. We therefore wanted to know what is already on the market today and what might still be possible."
Bundle of concrete measures
A team of HSG students led by Professor Dr. Andrea Back, Head of the Institute for Business Information Technology at the University of St. Gallen, conducted an in-depth market analysis, defined workshop processes and designed a bundle of concrete measures.
The students came up with a total of 45 suggestions on how garage processes can be simplified and accelerated using digital technologies. Andrea Back: "Not only the garage owner benefits from leaner processes, but also the car owner. For them, service and repair work becomes faster and more cost-effective."
Range of potential opportunities
The result of the HSG analysis is a broad range of existing and potential opportunities for digitization and covers all workshop processes: from customer acceptance to order creation, spare parts logistics, repair, additional services and order completion. The proposals include tools such as vehicle scanners, holistic software solutions, augmented reality, 3D printing or even automation through robotics.
More efficient design of operations
The proposals of the HSG team will be publicized by the Swiss Garagist Association in the coming months via the trade magazine Autoinside and on the Internet via Markus Aegerter: "Every garage owner who seriously considers the subject will find one or two ideas with which he can make his business more efficient and increase the quality of service for his customers."