Walther Wuttke: "Nothing runs without cars".

FEARFUL ENVIRONMENT For many contemporaries, the car is at least as threatening as coronavirus. They want to banish the supposed enemy of the environment from cities and call their campaign "traffic turnaround". In other words, more space on the roads for bicycles and public transport in the future. The fact that people feel protected in their cars, especially in these uncertain times, and the [...]

According to the latest statistics, 224,000 jobs in Switzerland alone depend on the automobile.

So in future, there will be more space on the roads for bicycles and public transport. The propagandists of the "new mobility" overlook the fact that people feel protected in their cars and avoid the rolling public virus nests, especially in these uncertain times.

Automobiles connect people
They also overlook the fact that the supposed number one enemy of the environment will remain indispensable in the future. After all, the car connects people like no other means of transportation. People will not want to do without it in the future either.

Drives are getting cleaner and cleaner
What's more, modern drive systems are now cleaner than ever before in the history of the automobile, and they are constantly being optimized. But this does not fit in with the world view of the traffic turners. They have their enemy and will not be dissuaded from their campaign.

Threat to the Swiss economy
Incidentally, even the supposedly clean electric vehicles have a CO2 footprint that should not be underestimated. Those who paint the car into a corner as an enemy of the environment are also endangering the economy. In Switzerland alone, 224,000 jobs depend on the automobile. In total, the industry generates 94 billion Swiss francs a year, which translates into 13 percent of Switzerland's economic output. Putting this at risk for a turnaround in transportation is too high a price to pay.

If you would like to join the discussion on Walther Wuttke's thoughts, please write to: info@autosprint.ch

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