Traffic: Emergency lane is now mandatory šŸŽ„

IT'S ABOUT LIFE From Friday, January 1, 2021, the formation of an emergency lane on the roads of Switzerland will become mandatory. After two successful campaign years, the association "Helfen helfen" has reached its goal. The video shows what must be observed when forming an emergency lane. The emergency lane is already mandatory in some neighboring countries. [...]

The video shows what must be observed when forming an emergency lane.

The emergency lane is already mandatory in some neighboring countries. For the creation of a uniform principle as well as a clear and simple rule of conduct for the affected vehicle drivers, the emergency lane is not normally used by the rescue forces.

Form enough space for rescue vehicles
In the event of a traffic jam, motorists must leave enough space between the left and right lanes - between the left and two right lanes on three-lane roads - for emergency vehicles without occupying the breakdown lane.

Emergency lane
Failure to observe the emergency lane will be punished with a fine from next year.

Bikers must maintain space in the column
The emergency lane should be maintained for the entire duration of the traffic jam. More emergency personnel may arrive and often it requires a breakdown or maintenance service to clean up the accident scene.

Important for bikers: According to Art. 47 para. 2 of the Road Traffic Act (SVG), motorcyclists must maintain their place in the column when traffic is stopped.

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