Traffic: No fines for passing on the right
SIEG DER VERNUNFT Today, overtaking on the right is punishable by the withdrawal of a driver's license. However, if the column on the left lane is denser and slower, it is also allowed to pass on the right. This is complicated - and for FDP National Councilor Thierry Burkart literally outdated. According to the TCS vice president, the threat of penalties and the opaque regulation mean that many drivers do not [...]

It's complicated - and for FDP National Councilor Thierry Burkart, literally outdated. According to the TCS vice president, the threat of penalties and the opaque regulation mean that many drivers do not dare to pass on the right.
Thierry Burkart: "This means that valuable capacity on the national roads is not being used and the flow of traffic is unnecessarily impeded."
In a motion, the politician therefore demanded that passing on the right be generally permitted on highways and freeways.
However, overtaking on the right is still subject to fines
The National Council clearly adopted the motion in the spring session. The Council of States now swung into line with a clear majority of 30 to 8 votes.
In other words, passing on the right will be permitted in the future. Overtaking on the right, i.e. getting back into the left lane after passing another car on the right, will remain prohibited.