Vay: First driverless car rolls in traffic 🎥

THE NEXT STEP A first on Europe's roads: Remotely controlled, an all-electric electric car from Vay is now driving through Hamburg for the first time without a safety driver using Telefahr technology.


After three years of testing, the Berlin-based company has now been able to successfully drive the first car controlled only by so-called teledrivers on a public road with an exemption permit in place since December 2022. The route comprises a predefined area on which tele-driven journeys will be tested from now on.

Vays CEO and co-founder Thomas von der Ohe: "This is a huge success for our entire team, but also for Hamburg and Europe. Germany can take the global lead in teledriving technology."

On a predefined area, teleguided rides are tested.

Teledriver brings car to the customer

Vay is working on a door-to-door service in which customers order an electric vehicle via app. What makes it special is that a teledriver brings the car directly to the customer - remotely controlled from the teledriving center. There, drivers sit at a station steering wheel and pedals and all controls.

They have an overview of the traffic situation via several screens as well as headphones. Once the customers have arrived at their destination, a teledriver takes over the vehicle again. This eliminates the time-consuming search for a parking space.

Service like car-sharing offers

The issuer of the exemptions is the Authority for Transport and Mobility Change of the City of Hamburg (BVM). A positive expert opinion from TÜV Süd has confirmed in particular the "functional safety" and "cyber security" of the Vay Telefahr system. In terms of cost, the service is expected to be similar to car-sharing offers and, in the long term, to provide a convenient alternative to private cars. With Vay's service, fewer electric vehicles should be able to transport more people in inner-city areas than with conventional private transport.

Source: Car Media Portal

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