On the road abroad: tips and advice

THAT'S OTHER When driving outside of Switzerland, starting the engine is not enough. If you drive a car, you have to know the rules of the country you are driving in. And you have to pay attention to that. In Denmark, for example, the driver has to pay attention even before starting the vehicle, because the first thing to check is that [...]

In Denmark, for example, the driver must pay attention even before starting the vehicle, because the first thing to do is to check that there are no people under the vehicle.
After the start, it is important to observe the speed limits - a maximum of 50 kilometers per hour in cities, 80 kilometers per hour outside towns. On the expressways the limit is 110, on the highways 130 kilometers an hour.
Driving under the influence of alcohol can be expensive. Above the blood-alcohol level of 0.5, the fine is calculated by multiplying the driver's monthly net income by the blood-alcohol level. If the value is above two, the car can be seized and impounded.

France: Eyes on the traffic circle
In contrast to the rules here, cars entering France have the right of way at the rond-point, i.e., at the traffic circle. The rule is reversed in a giratoire, which can be recognized by the right-of-way signs.
Anyone who is at fault for a fine can pay it off immediately by purchasing a fine stamp. Drivers can purchase such a stamp in tobacco stores. There is a discount of between 13 and 45 francs for paying the fine quickly.

In France, entering cars have the right of way at the rond-point, which means traffic circle.

Greece: Parking ban with calendar check
Be careful when looking for a parking space in Greece, because the bans are based on the calendar months. If the no-parking signs have a vertical line, they apply in odd months - with two lines in even months. Caution is also advised for smokers. In Hellas, the state charges a fine of up to 1,500 francs for smoking behind the wheel if there are children under the age of twelve in the car.

United Kingdom: Annoying line clutter
The English indicate stopping and parking bans by markings directly on the road. A yellow line at the edge of the road indicates a parking ban, but stopping for short periods is permitted. If a single red line is visible, the parking ban is in effect between seven and 7 pm. Two red lines are the markings for an absolute parking and stopping ban.
By the way, a double broken line does not indicate a parking ban, it calls for a slow approach to an intersection. If drivers stop at the edge of the red markings, the fine can be up to 1000 British pounds. A fine of up to 2500 pounds is imposed by the state for stopping or parking on a freeway slip road.

A yellow line at the side of the road indicates a parking ban in England; brief stops are permitted.

Italy: fine for speeding at night
In Italy, speed limits are the same as in most European countries: 50 kilometers per hour in built-up areas, 80 kilometers per hour on rural roads, and a maximum of 130 kilometers per hour on expressways and highways. The timing of an excess is interesting: for speeding violations between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m., the amount of the fine increases by a third of the regular value.
If the limit of 0.5 per mille is exceeded, fines of at least 530 up to 2000 Swiss francs are incurred. From 0.8 per mille, a driving ban beckons and the offense is considered a crime. From a blood alcohol level of 1.5, the police can confiscate the vehicle and foreclose on it if the driver is the owner.

Russia: penalty fee for dirty cars
In Moscow, the police not only check speed, they are also sensitive about clean vehicles. Driving dirty cars results in small fines. The policemen decide by eye, demanding a maximum of 50 rubles - about one and a half francs.
When parking, drivers take a look at the calendar. If a no parking sign shows a red circle with a white line in the middle, parking is prohibited on odd-numbered days, and on even-numbered days if there are two stripes.

Who would have thought. Driving dirty cars leads to small fines in Russia.

Spain: Discount for fast fines payers
Speeding, parking in the wrong place or using the navigation system while driving: even in Spain, motorists can quickly get a ticket. Paying a fine quickly is particularly worthwhile here: road users receive a 50 percent discount if they pay within 15 days.
Another special feature applies to the traffic light system. If an alternating yellow light is in operation before the traffic light turns red, motorists are allowed to move their vehicles as long as they do not obstruct or endanger anyone.

USA: Alcohol ban also for the front passenger
In the U.S., there are strict rules regarding alcohol - and not just for drivers. The open-container law prohibits open alcohol bottles in the passenger compartment; they are only permitted in the trunk. Passengers and passengers must therefore also wait for the next bar with their after-work beer. Only the state of Mississippi has relaxed the absolute ban on alcohol. As long as the driver does not exceed the specified alcohol limit, he or she may consume alcohol.


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