Accident statistics 2016: Lowest number of fatalities since 1945
ACCIDENT STATISTICS 216 people died on Swiss roads last year, 37 fewer than in 2015 (-15%). This is according to the accident register of the Federal Roads Office (Astra). We asked about the causes. Since the beginning of the nationwide census in 1940, the value was lower only in 1945, when 211 people were killed. In 1971, it was 1773 (the highest level). Since then, the [...]

Since the beginning of the nationwide census in 1940, the value was only lower in 1945 with 211 killed. In 1971, it was 1773 (the highest level). Since then, the number has fallen continuously by a total of 88 percent. There were massively fewer fatalities among motorcyclists in particular; in 2016, 43 motorcyclists were fatally injured in traffic accidents (- 35 percent). Among passenger car occupants, 75 people died, as in the previous year. The number of people seriously injured decreased by 1 percent to 3785.
E-bike and bicycle fatalities and serious injuries at high level
There were 24 fatalities among cyclists, one person fewer than in 2015, while the number of people seriously injured increased slightly from 838 to 854. The increased emergence of e-bikes in recent years has led to a significant increase in accident victims, reaching a peak in fatalities in 2015 and serious injuries in 2016. With a total of 210 accident victims, the figures show an upward trend. Two-thirds of these are people over the age of 50. Around a quarter of the e-bike riders involved in serious accidents were riding a fast e-bike with a pedal assistance of up to max. 45 km/h.
Decrease in pedestrian fatalities
Among pedestrians, 50 people were involved in fatal accidents. This corresponds to a decrease of 14 percent. Among the fatalities were five small children (up to 4 years old). They had an accident away from a pedestrian lane. Almost half of the pedestrians killed were senior citizens. Most of them also died away from a pedestrian crossing.
We asked Thomas Rohrbach from Astra, Information and Communication Department, about accident statistics:
AutoSprintCH: The decline in fatalities among motorcyclists is strikingly large. Where do you see the reasons?
Thomas Rohrbach: With all two-wheelers, the weather plays a big role. When the weather is bad and spring comes late, for example, as we had last year, people ride less and that leads to good accident statistics. However, e-bikes and scooters have now become everyday means of transport, so the fluctuations are less there.
Nevertheless, the road is safer than it has been since 1945. Surely one can speak of a trend?
Yes, and that was with massively more traffic. After the peak in 1971, the so-called hammer measures took effect: The introduction of mandatory seat belts and helmets, followed by speed limits, alcohol limits, which were later tightened, intersections were made safer and clearer, there are better guard rails and the vehicles also became safer. Today, for example, almost every new motorcycle has ABS. In addition, traffic in agglomerations is much denser than before, people travel at lower speeds, which also significantly reduces the consequences of accidents.
So there is little that can be done?
It is an interplay of a wide variety of factors and measures that have their effect. But there are always gaps that need to be closed. And there is also the human factor. That is why it is possible and necessary to sensitize car and motorcycle drivers with campaigns. We are grateful that the number of victims is so low. However, we are aware that things can change at any time, because absolute safety in road traffic does not and will never exist, even if we drive autonomously one day. There are still vehicles on infrastructures on the road. It only takes one or two individual mistakes with major consequences and the statistics look different again.