Environment: Lidl focuses on sustainable logistics

FOSSIL-FREE DELIVERY Lidl Switzerland is focusing on more sustainability in logistics in the future and wants to be able to supply all its stores without fossil fuels by 2030. Now the first CNG truck has filled up with biogas in Weinfelden. The first electric trucks were added to the Lidl Switzerland fleet back in 2014. In summer 2019, the next step was taken with the LNG trucks (liquid natural gas) [...]

Ueli Rüger, head of logistics at Lidl Switzerland, refuels the retailer's first CNG truck with biogas.

The first electric trucks were added to Lidl Switzerland's fleet back in 2014. In summer 2019, the next step towards a sustainable logistics future was taken with the LNG trucks (liquid natural gas).

Now these vehicles are being supplemented by CNG (gaseous natural gas) trucks from Scania.

Logistics boss Ueli Rüger: "CNG is more suitable for medium-haul transport, whereas LNG offers major advantages for long-haul transport. Wherever possible, renewable gas from biogenic sources or synthetically produced gas should be used rather than fossil LNG."

Implementation of environmentally compatible concepts
For the environment, the switch pays off immediately. Economically, it is not yet possible under the current general conditions to drive a diesel vehicle at the same conditions. But Ueli Rüger is confident that the general conditions will soon change. He plans to be able to supply all stores without fossil fuels by 2030.

In cooperation with logistics partners, research institutions and the energy industry, Lidl is working on the development and implementation of environmentally compatible mobility concepts. This includes, among other things, the development of renewable resources and biogas as a fuel, as well as the establishment of a filling station network and the optimization of logistics in the rail-road network.

The CEO of Lidl Switzerland, Torsten Friedrich, has been driving the decarbonization of the retailer for years.

New project with synthetic fuels
Ueli Rüger expects synthetic fuels to play an important role as well. A new project that Lidl is supporting as an application partner revolves around the production of synthetic methane from hydrogen and CO2. The CO2 and water for methanation are extracted from the atmosphere directly on site using a CO2 collector from the ETH spin-off Climework.

Such fuels produced with renewable energy can be transported via conventional routes and made available through the existing infrastructure. The first refuelings of gas trucks should be possible in the summer of 2022.


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