Day of the garagists: There are still free places
IT'S TIME The number of registrations stands at just under 800 a month and a half before the next Swiss Garageists' Day. It's only a matter of days before the Swiss automotive industry's trade conference is sold out.

Under the motto "The garage owner - a brand in its own right", the question of how the garage owner can position himself even more strongly as his own brand, regardless of whether he represents one or more brands or is brand-independent, will be discussed in the Kursaal in Bern on January 18, 2022.
The personal relationship with its customers, complemented by a service orientation adapted to the customer as a fundamental attitude, will continue to be a differentiating feature and a decisive influencing factor for success in the future.
Empowerment through information and inspiration
Within this framework, the Swiss Garagist Day program takes up various aspects that are of key importance to both the individual member and the association.
In times when technology is developing more dynamically than ever, the aim is to strengthen members in their role as entrepreneurs by providing information and inspiration. The AGVS wants to spread confidence that entrepreneurship in the automotive industry is worthwhile - today as well as in the future.
The members of the Garagistenverband should be made aware that entrepreneurship primarily means recognizing changes as opportunities, using them and shaping the future.
The AGVS has once again succeeded in attracting a number of personalities who will impart knowledge and inspire at the same time. Interested parties can find out who is taking part on the Internet.