Day of the garagists: The car - fascination with future 🎥

WHERE TO MEET At the next Day of Swiss Garage Owners, Tuesday January 17, 2023 in the Kursaal Bern, experts will explore central questions about the car, its current situation and its future.


Among other things, how the automotive industry intends to transport the fascination of the car from the combustion engine to the electric car and thus into the current century. This is a task that involves a great deal of responsibility and is of particular interest to the members of the Auto Gewerbe Verband Schweiz (AGVS).

A large part of future business models depends on how successfully manufacturers and, last but not least, garage owners succeed in ensuring this transfer of emotions via fascinating models and cutting-edge technology.

Day of the garage owners
Thomas Hurter: "We are convinced that the fascination for the car will remain with us in the future."

Practical and convenient means of transportation
Background: Almost three quarters of all passenger kilometers in Switzerland are driven by car. No other means of transportation comes close to matching its importance. This also has to do with the fact that the car is immediately available, practical and, what's more, convenient, and its flexibility is superior to all others.

But the car has always been more than just a means of transportation - and that hasn't changed to this day. The automobile fascinated yesterday, it fascinates today - and it will continue to fascinate tomorrow.

The car will keep the high status

Thomas Hurter, AGVS Central President: "The program of the largest trade event in the Swiss automotive industry is entitled 'The Car: Fascination with a Future'. With this, the AGVS wants to send a self-confident signal. It is a matter of standing up responsibly but also clearly for motorized individual transport and appreciating the value it has for the economy and society. We have no doubt whatsoever that the car will continue to be highly valued in the future. We are convinced that this fascination for the car will remain with us in the future, as will its high system relevance."

At the start of the Swiss election year 2023, the theme of the conference is also intended to draw attention to the contradiction that, despite immense progress in technology, safety and ecology, the car is still under particularly great political pressure.

Thomas Hurter: "We want to and must counteract this pressure."

Registration and information directly from AGVS
For further information, please contact: AGVS, Monique Baldinger, Wölflistrasse 5, 3006 Bern Phone 031 307 15 26, Registrations can be made conveniently online.

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