Road traffic: fewer emissions in 2020

IT IS HAPPENING According to the latest calculations by strasseschweiz, road traffic in Switzerland should have reached the 2020 climate target with a ten percent reduction in CO2 emissions compared to 1990. Last April, the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) announced that the 2020 climate targets would not be met. The office based its [...]

Emissions per vehicle kilometer have decreased by 30 percent in Switzerland since 2000.

Last April, the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) announced that the climate targets for 2020 would not be met. However, the office based its forecast on data from 2019 and did not take into account the compensation measures financed by road transport or the effects of the Corona crisis.

Rapid progress of road transport

Olivier Fantino, Managing Director strasseschweiz: "Emissions from road transport in 2020 have fallen by 10.5 percent compared to 1990, taking into account compensation measures and the effects of the crisis. This result reflects the rapid progress that road transport has made over the last 20 years."

Emissions from road traffic in Switzerland fell by 10.5 percent in 2020 compared with 1990.

emissions have fallen by 30 percent
Emissions per vehicle kilometer have fallen by 30 percent since 2000. Olivier Fantino does not deny the influence of the pandemic on these figures, but he has a differentiated opinion.

Olivier Fantino: "We must not ignore the impact of the crisis on the decline in CO2 emissions. On the contrary, we must take this new context into account and make it transparent that the taxes provided for in the new law are too high and unfair."

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