Guide: Stickers warn of blind spot 🎥

SAFETY Since the beginning of 2021, a warning sticker indicating the blind spot has been mandatory in France for vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of more than 3.5 tons. Anyone driving without one risks a heavy fine.


More and more often, you see a red-yellow-black sign on trucks and coaches showing either a truck or a bus. However, the French inscription "Attention, Angles Morts" (Attention, blind spot) may cause confusion. This sign has been mandatory in France since the beginning of 2021 for vehicles with a total weight of more than 3.5 tons.

Warning stickers guide
Stickers must be used in France to draw attention to the danger of blind spots.

Default also for mobile homes

In France, trucks and coaches from abroad also need this sticker, and motor homes are also affected by this change in the law. A total of three signs must be affixed to the vehicle - on the side and on the rear.

The notices must be at a height of 0.9 to 1.5 meters. The Angles Morts sign must be 25 x 17 centimeters and have a red frame. Inside, it must be black and yellow and show a stylized intersection. In addition, four triangular warning signs with exclamation marks, a stylized vehicle are mandatory.

Always follow official instructions

According to, there are also versions with a camper van on the Internet. However, these do not comply with the official specifications. The ADAC therefore advises caravan drivers to use the sticker with the bus, as it is a vehicle for transporting people.

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