Optifuel Challenge: Swiss in 7th place 🎥

RENAULT TRUCKS 25 drivers from 25 countries competed in the final of the Renault Trucks Optifuel Challenge. Reto Winterberger came seventh. As always, the focus was on fuel-efficient driving. Theory and practice were tested in the Optifuel Challenge from Renault Trucks. The finalists first had to answer questions on theory. It was about their knowledge of [...]

Theory and practice were tested at Renault Trucks' Optifuel Challenge.

Optifuel Challenge
Marco Michel, Daniela Schifferle (above)
Christian Wüthrich and Reto Winterberger.

The finalists first had to answer questions about theory. It was about their knowledge of principles of rational driving behavior. The result of this test accounted for ten percent of the final score. Then their driving behavior at the wheel of a Renault Truck T High 480 (2019 model) was assessed on an open 40-minute route.

The winner was František Oravec from Slovakia ahead of Piotr Krahel from Poland and Pascal Bosser from France. The "Fun" challenge, which was judged for the first time, was won by Plamen Ivanov from Bulgaria, and the "Fair Play" challenge by Nabil Bedreddine from Algeria.

First prize a new T High 480
Reto Winterberger from Switzerland traveled to Lyon with his boss Christian Wüthrich from Wüthrich Transporte GmbH Pieterlen and Marco Michel and Daniela Schifferle from Renault Trucks with great expectations. As a Renault Trucks fan, he was determined to win the main prize, a T High 480 with 480 hp.

Equalization of the 2017 result
But the whole challenge requires not only skill, but also a bit of luck. In the end, seventh place was achieved, which meant that Ürsu Schori, Bergundthal Transporte AG, Schüpfen, equaled the 2017 result. By the way, Switzerland also achieved seventh place at the Optifuel Challenge Final 2017.


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