Miss Tuning: 2016 calendar now on sale

Sightseeing in Berlin with a difference. That's what the Miss Tuning calendar promises on 13 glossy pages. The reigning beauty queen of the tuning industry, Liane Günter, guides fans of beautiful cars and attractive curves through 2016. The fact that the pictures then turn out so beautiful really blew me away," enthuses the 25-year-old from Horn-Bad Meinberg in North Rhine-Westphalia. Set in scene [...]

I was really blown away that the pictures turned out so beautifully," enthuses the 25-year-old from Horn-Bad Meinberg in North Rhine-Westphalia. Miss Tuning and the refined cars were photographed by star photographer Max Seam.

The collector's item of Tuning World Bodensee (May 5 to 8, 2016), with a limited edition of 1500 copies, is now available at a price of 25 euros (including shipping). There is more on the official website.

Photo: Tuning World Bodensee

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