Market: All-wheel drive continues to roll strongly in trend

IT'S NOT GOING BAD The car market in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein has had a satisfactory six months. Exactly 157,910 new cars were put on the road Last June alone, 31,476 new cars were put on the road, 447 or 1.4 percent fewer than in the same month last year. The proportion of all-wheel drive vehicles was 47.6 percent [...]

All wheel
The all-wheel drive share was 48.4 percent, compared to 46.3 percent in the first half of 2017. The Dacia Duster is one of the most affordable models.
All wheel
In June alone, 31,476 new cars were registered, 447 or 1.4 percent fewer than in the same month last year. The industry can be satisfied.

In June alone, 31,476 new passenger cars hit the roads, 447 or 1.4% fewer than in the same month last year. The proportion of all-wheel drive vehicles was 47.6 percent (+1.8 percentage points), while alternative drive systems accounted for 6.5 percent (+1.1 points). Hybrid engines in combination with a petrol engine (1378, +20.7%) and purely electric passenger cars (567, +17.4%) in particular saw year-on-year growth. A total of 2052 new cars with an alternative drive system were registered for the first time in June (+19.6%).

The proportion of all-wheel drive vehicles is already just under 50 percent
After six months, there were 157,910 new registrations, a decrease of 1008 vehicles or 0.6%. The all-wheel drive share was 48.4 percent, compared to 46.3 percent in the first half of 2017. Whether the magical 50 percent mark will be broken for the year as a whole will probably depend on the fourth quarter.

Safety and comfort features are reasons to buy
In terms of the CO2 balance, however, this is not a desirable goal. However, the 4×4 success continues to show how much safety and comfort features are appreciated by Swiss car buyers. Alternative drive systems are also gaining in popularity, with 9,886 vehicles with one registered (+25.7 percent). The market share after six months is 6.3% (2017: 4.9%).

Current Swiss sales statistics as PDF download

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