Lantern parker: useful tips for the winter
PLEASE NOTE In the winter months, morning temperatures are often in the minus range. If you park your vehicle outside, you should follow the expert's tips. Damp air and cold are unfavorable conditions. According to TCS Switzerland, the battery was by far the number one cause of breakdowns last January. To determine whether the car battery still has sufficient [...]
According to TCS Switzerland, the battery was by far the number one cause of breakdowns last January. Markus Peter, responsible for technology and the environment at AGVS, recommends having a battery check carried out by a garage to determine whether the car battery still has sufficient reserve.
Cover for the whole car makes sense
The cold and the mixture of salt and dirt make the bodywork more vulnerable in winter. It makes sense to cover the entire car, as condensation can form between the bodywork and the rubber seal on the door, making it difficult to open the door when it is frozen.
In addition, the windows, exterior rear-view mirrors, license plates and lights must be completely cleared of snow and ice before driving off. A protective film for the windshield is therefore recommended. It not only protects the vehicle, but also your nerves.
Markus Peter: "And never remove the layer of ice with hot water. The temperature difference could lead to stresses and cracks in the windshield."
Engine requires more energy to start
Another topic is engine oil.
Markus Peter: "Oil is much thicker in winter. The engine needs more energy to start. This makes it all the more important to use high-quality oil."
Winter tires are the best choice due to their tread depth and rubber compound. It is advisable to allow extra time before setting off in the cold season. Ice and snow must be removed - even from the roof.