Climate neutral: Cheap to Zurich Airport

THAT MAKES SENSE Hydrogen instead of gasoline, climate-neutral rides and an app that cuts prices in half - that's how Airport Taxi Zürich is rolling into the future. New cabs for the airport have been on the road in 110 Zurich since January. The cars run on hybrid or hydrogen power and now also take passengers to the airport. Behind this is Airport Taxi Zürich, the [...]

Airport cab
Airport Zürich Taxi's hybrid or hydrogen-powered cars are uniformly white.

The cars run on hybrid or hydrogen power and now also take passengers to the airport. Behind this is Airport Taxi Zürich, the new operator of the official cab stands.

First cabs with hydrogen technology
Airport Taxi Zürich is committed to climate-friendly operation - and is thus a pioneer in Switzerland. Its fleet consists of 80 hybrid vehicles, 20 diesel cars and ten cabs with the latest hydrogen technology, which emit water vapor while driving and filter particulate matter from the ambient air.

Climate-neutral journeys through offsetting
The goal is to replace the entire fleet with hydrogen vehicles in the long term. Until then, Airport Taxi Zürich offsets the CO2 emissions of its cabs in cooperation with the "myclimate" foundation.

Emanuel Fleuti, Head of Environmental Protection at Flughafen Zürich AG: "We support this climate protection initiative. The reductions fit in with our strategy of not only reducing our own emissions, but also motivating our partners to do the same."

Half price to the airport with the app
A new app enables drivers to also transport passengers on the way back to their stand. For customers, these "lucky rides" to the airport are half-price - for Airport Taxi Zurich, it means a reduction in non-ecological empty runs.

Demand for quality and appearance
The fleet, the training and further education concept for the drivers and the neat uniforms make it clear: Airport Taxi Zürich invests a lot in the customer experience.

The booking process has also become easier: A cab ride can now be ordered at a flat rate via the website or the app.

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