Child seats test: The best at a glance
SAFE IS SAFE In the current child seat test of the Touring Club of Switzerland, 18 different products in all sizes were tested and evaluated with regard to the criteria of safety, operation, ergonomics and pollutant content. Nine of the tested seats achieved the grade "highly recommended" in the overall evaluation, seven models a "recommendable". Two child seats were rated "not recommendable". Minus points for too much [...]

Nine of the seats tested achieved a rating of "highly recommended" in the overall assessment, while seven models received a "recommended" rating. Two child seats were rated "not recommendable".
Minus points for too much flame retardant
The child seats, which could only achieve a rating of "not recommended" in the overall assessment, contain the flame retardants TCPP and TDCP at levels above the limit set in Directive 2014/79/EU, which applies to children's toys.
They were able to convince in all other test criteria. These are the Babystyle Oyster Capsule and the Babystyle Oyster Capsule + Duofix Isofix Base.
Good results in frontal impact
In the frontal impact test, all candidates were convincing. It is striking that in all child seats rated "highly recommended" in this discipline, the child is transported with its back to the direction of travel. All of them also passed the side impact test and the seat belt routing test.
In terms of ergonomics, all models achieve the grade "highly recommended". In addition to the seating position, the space available and the comfort for the child, this test also covers the space required by the child seat in the vehicle.
All results can be found on the website.