Hyundai: First hydrogen trucks at the start

EVERYTHING RUNS ACCORDING TO PLAN The delivery of the first seven series-produced commercial vehicles with fuel cells to Swiss customers marks the beginning of a new era in heavy-duty transport. The only emissions are water vapor. They were announced some time ago, now they are here. Hyundai delivered the first seven XCIENT Fuel Cell trucks in Lucerne to Swiss [...]

With a 190-kW fuel cell system and 350-kW electric motor, no problems at the pass.

They were announced some time ago, now they are here. Hyundai delivered the first seven XCIENT Fuel Cell trucks to Swiss customers in Lucerne.

Coop, Migros, Fenaco, Galliker Logistics, Camion Transport, F. Murpf and G. Leclerc Transport - members of the Förderverein H2 Mobilität Schweiz - are the first companies in the world to include a fuel cell truck in their fleet.

René Leclerc (G. Leclerc Transport AG), Fredy Würzer (Camion Transport AG), Peter Galliker, (Galliker Transport AG), Daniel Hintermann (Coop management), Thomas Murpf (F. Murpf AG), Otti Hä iger (Traveco) and Daniel Balmer (Migros Ostschweiz) are now driving with hydrogen.

In parallel, Avia, Agrola and Coop - also members of the sponsoring association - will open additional hydrogen filling stations in the coming months to supply the new 36-ton trailer trucks with CO2-free hydrogen.

Expansion all over the world is planned
As part of the rollout of a nationwide hydrogen infrastructure, 50 of the new Hyundai trucks will hit the road this year.

Switzerland is playing the pioneering role here, as hydrogen vehicles will later also be supplied to other European countries. After that, the manufacturer plans to expand to China and the USA.

Production of 2000 units per year
There will be no shortage of production capacity. The Koreans want to build 2,000 units a year by the end of 2021. The ramp-up of capacities requires an investment of 1.3 billion U.S. dollars, in addition to the 6.4 billion with which Hyundai is building a hydrogen ecosystem and thus promoting the development of the hydrogen society.

Platform for hydrogen e-trucks only
A completely new model series of the XCIENT Fuel Cell will be launched in the next few years. It will be based on a special platform for hydrogen e-trucks. The upcoming new model is based on an electric drive axle and two 200 kW fuel cell systems, which are currently still being developed.

The new models are delivery vehicles (4×2 and 6×2) that can cover a large part of the European commercial vehicle market. A range of 1000 kilometers is then possible with a 44-ton tractor unit.

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