Ford: New SUV study confirms trend
Since 2005, sales of SUVs in Europe have quadrupled. Behind the continuing SUV boom is growing popularity among very different groups of buyers. According to a new study, the rising popularity of SUVs in Europe is due in particular to growing demand from millennials, mothers and quintastics (50+). Ford surveyed 5000 SUVs in five European countries [...]
Ford surveyed 5000 car owners and people planning to purchase a vehicle in five European countries to further understand the success of SUVs. The results show that 30 percent of mothers whose children still live at home are considering getting an SUV. 23 percent of Millennials (17 - 34 year olds) and 20 percent of Quintastics (50+) share this opinion.
"SUVs are one of the big trends in automotive in the last decade," says Roelant de Waard, vice president, Marketing, Sales & Service, Ford of Europe. "The reason is the great popularity of this vehicle segment among both men and women, among younger but also older drivers."
The study shows that the perception of SUVs has changed drastically. An SUV is no longer seen as a luxury vehicle, but is perceived as more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly.
Each group emphasizes different characteristics
For around half of 17- to 34-year-olds, being seen in an attractive vehicle has become more important over the last five years. For 37 percent, an SUV meets this requirement. SUVs are particularly associated with an active lifestyle in this group of people. 52 percent of respondents say there is no other type of vehicle that supports an active lifestyle so well.
For over 90 percent of mothers, it has become more important that their vehicle protects their family. 59 percent of the mothers surveyed say that an SUV gives them this feeling of safety. It is also more important to mothers what driving characteristics the vehicle has, especially in bad weather (more than 80 percent). 63 percent of mothers believe that SUVs are ideal in adverse weather conditions.
65 percent of those aged between 50 and 59, on the other hand, appreciate the higher seating position in SUVs. Around two-thirds of adults over 50 want a vehicle that can take them anywhere. 54 percent of those surveyed say that an SUV can do this better than any other type of vehicle.
"SUVs are just the right vehicles for different groups because they offer tailored solutions," says de Waard.
Photos: Ford-Werke GmbH/Christian Rolfes