Driving schools: Starting May 11, it starts again!

NEW START Since the start of the lockdown, driving instructors have not been allowed to practice their profession. Beginning May 11, continuing education training and courses will be allowed again, subject to safeguards. All two-phase and voluntary continuing education courses, as well as traffic skills and emergency helper courses, will also be allowed again. However, for all courses, the number [...]

Driving school
However, for all courses, the number of people present is limited to five.

All courses from the two-phase area and the voluntary further education as well as traffic knowledge and emergency helper courses will also be allowed again. However, for all courses, the number of people present (including the course instructor or facilitator) must be limited to five.

In addition, according to the Swiss Driving Instructors Association, protection concepts must be drawn up. Each company is responsible for developing the concept. Approval of the protection concepts by cantonal or federal authorities is not envisaged. The cantons are responsible for monitoring.

Psychologically an enormous burden

Rolf Melliger from Berikon AG, a car and motorcycle driving instructor for 35 years: "You are forced to sit at home. Psychologically, it's an enormous strain. The worst thing was the insecurity. This condition was almost unbearable. On top of that, of course, there was the lack of understanding as to why I was not allowed to give motorcycle courses, while in industries where it is certainly more difficult to comply with safety regulations, people are working again. But now everything is clear, and I'm relieved."

Authorities reacted quickly
Like most self-employed people who are not allowed to work, Rolf Melliger has applied to the cantonal social security office for compensation for loss of earnings.

Rolf Melliger: "The administrative process was commendably quick and uncomplicated. As a result, I can currently fall back on 80 percent of the taxed net income."

Driving without a valid driver's license
So far so good. Anyone who does not yet have one can apply for a learner's permit - for example, as a direct entrant from the age of 25 - and get started. Anyone whose learner's permit has expired can have it extended or renewed at the road traffic office thanks to the exemption regulation of FEDRO.

Speaking of which, anyone who fails to take this step and is caught on the road without a valid learner's permit will face criminal proceedings (driving without a valid driver's license).

New entrants continue to miss out
On the other hand, things look bad for newcomers who have no driving experience in the form of an existing, valid driver's license. According to moto.ch's research, the Federal Council has not yet regulated or scheduled the resumption of the activities of the road traffic offices.

This means that until further notice, but at most until September 30, no theory and driving tests may be taken. Without a theory test, newcomers to both cars and motorcycles will not be issued with a learner's permit. And without a learner's permit, you are not allowed to drive or undertake practical training.

However, it can be assumed that the road traffic authorities will soon be ramping up their testing activities again.

Groups of five are a challenge

Adrian Suter, Head of Education and Development TCS Training & Events: "We usually work with ten to 12 people. So from May 11, including the instructor, we should be working in groups of no more than five. We will have to double our staff, facilities and track infrastructure. In addition, there are challenges associated with security concepts. And the question remains how great the demand will be."

Reorganization of 930 courses
The six TCS training centers are currently closed - staff are on short-time working, with around 100 instructors and facilitators affected across Switzerland.

Adrian Suter: "Our back office is working hard in the background to rebook courses and participants. With 930 courses to reorganize, we certainly won't get bored. The months of April and May in particular are exceptionally important in our business. We won't be able to compensate for the missing revenues during the rest of the year - the loss of sales will be big."

Driving school
It is still unclear how perfection training will continue on racetracks abroad in the future.

Business with great risks
The Corona pandemic in the voluntary training sector is hitting providers of perfection training at racetracks abroad particularly hard. Peter Studer, managing director of "have-fun Fahrtrainings", who should have organized the moto.ch readers' trackday on the Anneau du Rhin in August, explains the reason.

Peter Studer: "The situation is very difficult. We have to make reservations and down payments. And this at a time when we don't know when the borders will be open again. Will I be able to travel to Cremona in northern Italy in September? And if so; will the participants be there? And what happens if a circuit goes bankrupt? The situation has never been so unpredictable and risky."


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