Diploma at the WorldSkills
AGVS In the end, it wasn't quite enough for the podium: Riet Bulfoni won a diploma in the automotive mechatronics category at the WorldSkills in Abu Dhabi, but had to leave the top spot to his Asian colleagues. The 22-year-old Engadin native put in a very good performance over long stretches and provided proof of how strong the dual education system of the [...]

The 22-year-old from the Engadine showed a very good performance over long stretches and provided proof of how strong Switzerland's dual education system and basic vocational training in the automotive industry are.
Well performed
Riet Bulfoni knows exactly where he missed his chance: at the "Engine Management" station, his real parade discipline, things didn't go well at all. Although the man from Graubünden quickly recovered from this setback, he was not able to make it all the way to the front despite having to catch up.
Strong field
A total of 1300 young professionals from 62 countries, including 38 Swiss, from A for automotive mechatronics to Z for carpentry, competed in Abu Dhabi. They were supported by around 400 fans, friends and families from home. On the first day of competition, National Council President Jürg Stahl had also visited the WorldSkills. "You carry the strengths of our excellent vocational training system abroad and are ambassadors for your profession," the politician had told the young professionals at a reception in the Swiss embassy.
In the competition, automotive mechatronics technician Riet Bulfoni not only proved his technical qualifications, but also his nerves of steel and talent for improvisation. Because the engines for the engine test did not arrive in Abu Dhabi in time, Bulfoni had to complete three tests on the second day of the competition instead of the planned two.
„We are very proud of Riet. He is a super ambassador for the automotive professions," said Olivier Maeder of the Auto Gewerbe Verband Schweiz (AGVS), who was delighted with the Engadin native's appearance. The Swiss Garagist Association supported Bulfoni on site.