Education Ordinance: Changes in force

A LOT OF SUCCESS Around 3,000 young people are starting their basic vocational training in the automotive industry these days. The trainees are facing major changes. Their training will become even more practical. The new education ordinance, which has been in force since the beginning of the year, means a departure from the previous school subjects. Automotive mechatronics technicians EFZ, automotive specialists EFZ and [...]

The changes currently affect around 2,500 new apprentices in the basic technical apprenticeships. The teaching content in the commercial and retail professions is undergoing a fundamental revision.

The new education ordinance, which has been in force since the beginning of the year, entails a departure from the previous school subjects. Automotive mechatronics technicians EFZ, automotive specialists EFZ and automotive assistants EBA will no longer be taught subjects such as electrics, electronics, physics, chassis, engine and power transmission, but will instead learn practical skills.

Focus on the quality of training
The Swiss automotive sector is thus responding to the rapid technological development of the industry and maintaining the high quality of its training programs. For example, the four-year basic vocational training course for automotive mechatronics technicians now includes the following areas of expertise: checking and maintaining vehicles, replacing wearing parts, supporting operational processes, checking and repairing systems and diagnosing mechatronic systems.

The notebook now replaces the ballpoint pen
The trend towards semi-autonomous driving and the increasing variety of drive systems such as electric, hybrid and other alternative concepts is taken into account with the new skills. In addition, with the introduction of electronic teaching materials, pens are increasingly being replaced by notebooks in vocational schools and inter-company courses.

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