Batteries: High time for winter checks

CAUTION IS IMPORTANT The cold months place high demands on a vehicle. The battery in particular can quickly reach its performance limit. It is advisable to prepare for this now. When the temperatures drop and the days get shorter, it's time to get your car ready for winter. Particular attention should be paid to the car battery: [...]

Winter check
The battery is heavily loaded by the starting process, heating, air conditioning and lighting.

When the temperatures drop and the days get shorter, it's time to get your car ready for winter. Special attention should be paid to the car battery: the lower the temperatures, the weaker it becomes.

For example, the engine requires more power to start in cold conditions. Likewise, infotainment systems, automatic start/stop systems and other equipment put a strain on the energy storage unit. No wonder the battery is the number one cause of breakdowns in winter.

Unpleasant consequences of winter
For the battery check it is advisable to use the help of a professional.

Markus Peter, Head of Technology and Environment at the AGVS: "With small measures, they prevent against unpleasant consequences of the winter. These include, above all, starting problems or total battery failure. Anyone who drives a lot of short distances is exposed to this risk."

The starting process, heating, air conditioning and lighting place a disproportionate load on the energy storage unit and there is usually little time available to fully recharge it.

Acceleration of corrosion
In addition to the battery, Markus Peter recommends having other parts checked by a specialist. During the classic winter check, the garage owner also checks the lights, windshield wiper system and operating fluids such as oil and coolant.

The specialist can also treat door seals with frost-proof silicone and the car body with paint protection. The latter is important, especially since defrosting agents used on icy roads accelerate corrosion in damaged areas.

Winter check
Windows should be cleaned regularly, inside and out. Good visibility is vital.

Clear visibility creates more safety
Very important: windows should be cleaned regularly inside and outside.

Markus Peter: "The less residue there is on them, the less quickly the windows fog up. A clear view is relevant for safety, especially in the cold and dark season."

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