Audi: The best Swiss dealers

AWARD Every year, Audi presents the "Best Dealer Award" to the best dealers for their exceptional performance. The four best were honored for their high level of personal commitment. For example, Audi partners must make a significant contribution to new car sales or service business and also demonstrate a high level of customer orientation. Furthermore, they are characterized by a particularly high level of commitment to [...]

Audi partners must make a significant contribution to new car sales or service business and also demonstrate a high level of customer orientation. They are also characterized by a particularly high level of commitment to the Audi brand.

Strong partners in all regions of the network
From the four sales regions, the following dealers met the strict criteria: Garage de Monthey SA, Monthey; Garage G. Bürgisser, Merenschwand;
Küry Park Side AG, Rüschlikon and Christen Automobile AG, Schattdorf Donato Bochicchio: "These four Audi partners are representative of our strong partner network, high loyalty to the Audi brand and our commitment to continuously increase customer satisfaction."

Donato Bochicchio, Brand Director Audi, Jérôme Granger (Managing Director Garage de Monthey SA) and Agron Ejupi (Service Manager Garage de Monthey SA)
Donato Bochicchio, Brand Director Audi, Guido Bürgisser (Managing Director Garage Bürgisser) and Uwe Richter (Service Manager Garage Bürgisser).
Donato Bochicchio, Jürg Küry (Managing Director Küry Park Side AG), and Tobias Renold (Service Manager Küry Park Side AG).
Donato Bochicchio, Hubert Christen (Managing Director Christen Automobile AG) and Mathias Arnold (Service Manager Christen Automobile AG).

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