Amag: Commitment to the environment with Project1Hour

IT'S ABOUT OUR CLIMATE The Volkswagen Group is launching Project1Hour worldwide, the largest climate campaign in the company's history. The Swiss import company Amag was also involved with around 6,500 employees. With the worldwide Earth Day, the employees of the twelve brands of the Volkswagen Group prepared to make a joint statement with #Project1Hour. Around 660 [...]

Around 660,000 employees find out about climate change at Project1Hour. Switzerland was also represented by Amag.

With the worldwide Earth Day, employees of the twelve brands of the Volkswagen Group prepared to set a joint example with #Project1Hour. Around 660,000 employees worldwide shared information on climate change and developed concrete improvements. Among them were around 6,500 employees of Amag.

The Group aims to be climate-neutral by 2050
The VW Group has committed to the Paris climate agreement. The company wants to be carbon neutral by 2050. To achieve this, the Wolfsburg-based company is focusing on the electrification of vehicles and the reduction of CO2 emissions from the supply chain to recycling.

All over the world, the Group's employees had to stop work for an hour on Earth Day to find out about climate change, determine their own carbon footprint and decide on personal climate protection measures. At Amag, too, the topic will be part of the program in the future - for example with various workshops.

Combat in all areas of daily life
All employees in the Amag Group should contribute to combating climate change in their private and professional environment. Suggestions for climate protection at the workplace were collected following the #Project1Hour and also implemented.

200 million people participate in Earth Day
VW and Amag combined their #Project1Hour with the worldwide Earth Day, which was launched in the USA in 1970 and is celebrated annually on April 22. On the very first Earth Day, 20 million people took part in actions, and this figure has since risen to over 200 million. The holiday stands for diverse actions around the broad spectrum of environmental and climate protection.

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