AGVS: Bottlenecks must be eliminated!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Individual motorized traffic will continue to increase. Against this backdrop, the Auto Gewerbe Verband Schweiz (AGVS) is calling for the swift elimination of bottlenecks in the national road network. The federal government's forecasts leave little room for interpretation: Individual motorized traffic is expected to increase by 18 percent by 2040, and freight traffic on the roads by as much as a third. Considerable [...]

Urs Wernli: "Road users in Switzerland will therefore be stuck in traffic jams even more often in the future."

The federal government's forecasts leave little room for interpretation: Private motorized transport is expected to increase by 18 percent by 2040, and freight traffic on the roads by as much as a third.

Significant economic damage
Central President Urs Wernli: "We are talking here about the increase over the next 20 years. Given the long-term nature of road construction projects, that's actually tomorrow. So road users will be stuck in traffic jams even more often."
The economic damage is considerable. Congestion costs already amount to around 1.9 billion Swiss francs a year. Urs Wernli: "The urgently needed expansion of road infrastructures must be implemented and bottlenecks eliminated."

The car is the most popular means of transport
Drive technologies are changing, as are the forms of mobility. What remains is the car as the most popular means of transport for Mr. and Mrs. Swiss. Urs Wernli: "This is a good outlook for the approximately 4,000 garage owners in the AGVS. Their role will change, but they will still be needed in the future to ensure the good and safe functioning of networked mobility with their expertise and service quality."

Fit for existing and new technologies
Swiss garage owners and their employees are the interface between customers and mobility services. In order to maintain the recognized high quality of service, the AGVS has always invested in vocational training.
Around 9,000 of the 39,000 employees in AGVS companies are currently undergoing training and continuing education. Urs Wernli: "We ensure that our members remain fit for existing and new technologies. We also pay attention to measures that help to improve energy efficiency and reduce consumption in the existing vehicle fleet.

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