Order placement/order change We request that advertisements be placed, changed or suspended in writing.

Order confirmation You will receive an order confirmation from us upon receipt of your booking.

Advertisement publication The client is responsible for the content of an advertisement. He shall be liable for any claims against the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to refuse the publication of advertisements, to suspend running advertisements or to demand changes. Text advertisements must differ from the editorial section in layout, typeface and type size. The newspaper logo and its typeface may not be used. All advertisements may be clearly identified as such by the publisher by the heading "Advertisement" or "Promotion".

Placements Placements are accepted as a request, but not as a condition (surchargeable placements excluded).

Right of postponement We must reserve the right to postpone advertisements by one issue for technical reasons, even without consulting the client.

Tariff changes Rates are subject to change and come into effect immediately, even for current orders. All advertising rates excl. Prices in Swiss francs at the current daily rate.

Discount agreements Discounts are valid for the duration of one year and only for a single client. They are binding for the entire duration of the contract.

Technical defects No liability can be accepted for advertisements that do not appear correctly as a result of missing or unsuitable printing material. In the case of chromatic colors, a color proof must be submitted in good time. A reasonable tolerance in the color shade is reserved. There is only a claim for replacement or price reduction if the advertisement loses its advertising effect due to major defects in the technical reproduction.

Complaints Complaints are accepted within 10 days after invoicing.

Invoicing The invoice is sent electronically in PDF format with the corresponding page receipt to the e-mail address provided by the client. If required, a physical invoice can be sent at an expense.

Disclaimer The editorial content constitutes neither an offer nor an invitation to enter into a financial transaction and does not release the reader from its
own assessment.

Payment deadline 30 days after receipt of invoice, without discount. If invoice amounts have to be enforced by way of execution, any discount and commission agreement shall cease to apply.

Applicability Insertion orders are based on the rate published by the publisher. The insertion provisions are binding for all orders.

Jurisdiction The place of jurisdiction and performance is Zurich.

Zurich, September 2024

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