Formula E: Green light for E-Prix Bern

SWISS E-PRIX 2019 Following the approval of the political authorities, the Swiss E-Prix Bern has been added to the calendar by the FIA for June 22, 2019. The route runs through the Obstberg district. With the approval of the municipal council of the city of Bern and the announcement by Formula E that Bern will host a [...]

The Swiss organizer is now called Swiss E-Prix Operations AG. It hopes that many people will already reserve June 22, 2019 for their visit to the Swiss E-Prix Bern.

With the approval by the City Council of Bern and the announcement by Formula E that Bern will have a place on the race calendar on June 22, 2019, Swiss E-Prix Operations AG has achieved an important goal: the seamless continuation of the series in Switzerland after the successful start in Zurich.

Continuation of the story
Bern enjoys international renown and charisma as the federal capital, not least thanks to its old town and its recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Next year, Formula E will start in the Swiss capital instead of Zurich on June 10, 2018. The organizer still has to meet many requirements before then.

From 1950 to 1954, Bern made history in international motor racing by hosting Formula 1 races. With the return of international racing and the Julius Baer Swiss E-Prix 2019, Bern is continuing to write this history.

Up and down
While the Swiss Grand Prix was once held on the Bremgarten circuit on the western edge of the city, the modern circuit for the Swiss E-Prix runs through the Obstberg district against the backdrop of Bern's old town and directly past the Bärengraben.

The characteristics will correspond to a mountain and valley course. The 2.6 km route leads down Laubeggstrasse into Aargauerstalden, then past Bärengraben and uphill again into Grossen Muristalden and then into Schosshaldenstrasse.

This route would make it possible to keep the restrictions for local residents and public transport relatively low. However, it still has to be approved by the FIA. Only then will the Swiss E-Prix definitely remain on the calendar for 2019.

The 2019 FIA Formula E Championship calendar. Bern will host the eleventh race, the last in Europe before the finale in the USA.

Climate neutral
Together with the planned supporting program, the event is set to become a popular festival, just like the second weekend in June in Zurich. There will be attractive opportunities to attend the race free of charge.

The approval by the municipal council was subject to many conditions that the Swiss Formula E organizer must meet. In addition, the entire event, including the supporting program, must be climate-neutral.



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