Market: Alternative continues to trend strongly

SALES It can go on like this. After the first quarter, the car market in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein is on a par with the previous year. Exactly 72,089 (details as PDF here) new cars have hit the roads for the first time since the beginning of 2018. This corresponds to a minimal shortfall of 680 registrations or 0.9 percent compared to the previous year. [...]

Volvo is doing well in terms of sales in Switzerland with all models. The new XC40 is now giving the brand an even greater boost.

Exactly 72 089 (Details as PDF here) new cars hit the roads for the first time since the beginning of 2018. This corresponds to a minimal shortfall of 680 registrations, or 0.9%, compared to the previous year. Due in part to the early Easter, March had two fewer working days than a year ago, which explains the market decline of 7.8% last month.

Alternative drives still in high demand
In any case, the first quarter was a very positive one for alternative drive systems. At 6.4 percent, electric, hybrid, gas and hydrogen cars increased their market share by 1.5 percentage points compared to the previous year. The number of units sold was 28.5 percent higher. After three months, all alternative motorizations show a cumulative increase.

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